Staff member of polis – the Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools since 2006

T 01/353 40 20-50,

Core competencies

  • Many years of experience in citizenship education and human rights education (lectures, seminars, projects, workshops, publications, networking)
  • Main focus: Human rights/children’s rights, learning democracy and participation, democratic schools, social learning, economic and consumer education, activating methods in citizenship education.
  • International project management: project conception, development of materials for citizenship education and human rights education, trainings
  • Leading trainer teams and multiplier groups

Education / additional professional activity

  • Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna
  • Course “Supervision, Coaching, Organizational Development”
  • Psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course

Advanced training (among others) in the areas of trans- and intercultural learning, girls’ and boys’ work, gender, conflict management, theater pedagogy