Well-informed citizens are needed to help shape the future. Active citizenship is particularly important in times of crisis. The Erasmus+ project EU Democracy Rally, which ran from 2021 to 2023, offers young people tools for organising political and social campaigns in order to strengthen their willingness to actively participate in political processes.
Ten organisations from ten EU countries developed a training programme under the project management of Zentrum fir Politesch Bildung (Luxembourg). Each organisation contributed its specific expertise in active citizenship to the project, such as human rights education, investigative journalism, game-based learning and intercultural skills.
All exercises can be accessed on the platform www.democracyrally.eu (> Resources). They include dealing with conflicts, active listening, media skills, campaigning, well-being, rhetoric, EU knowledge, etc. and offer the opportunity to playfully engage with democratic processes in the form of thought and simulation games and research activities.
The first cross-border EU Democracy Rally took place in Luxembourg from 26 June to 2 July 2022.
Two young people from Vienna and Lower Austria also took part from Austria. The video gives an insight into the week. The final presentations can be viewed here.
Project Lead
Zentrum fir Politesch Bildung (Luxembourg)
Project Partners
ECIT Foundation (Belgium)
polyspektiv Burgdörfer & Ness GbR (Germany)
Peuple et Culture (France)
Wiener Forum für Demokratie und Menschenrechte / Zentrum polis (Austria)
Fundacja Epanstwo (Poland)
Funky Citizens (Romania)
Alternative Europee (Italy)
Well-Being Lab (Sweden)
Access Info Europe (Spain)